Silia Christofilopoulou

Partner – Human Resources Advisor

“No one can perform a Symphony on their own. It takes an entire orchestra to play it.”
- H.E. Luccock

Silia holds a degree in Economics and a masters degree in Business Administration and has held for many years senior executive posts in sales and exports to Greece and abroad, both in Industrial sectors and in International Trade.

Her partnerships have helped quickly understand and appreciate the significant role of people inorganizations. She therefore decided to support businesses from a different post, which allowed her to conduct more than 15,000 interviews and recruitments for both permanent and temporary jobs of all disciplines and to carry out over 1,000 hours of individual and group consulting, mentoring and business coaching to business executives.

At the same time, she was certified as Personal & Executive Coach and served as a professional development consultant in educational institutions and universities both in Greece and abroad. Her independent spirit, her passion to offer real value to her fellow human beings, her ability to see the big picture of the needs of businesses and their people, her willingness to take full responsibility in supporting the human resources of organisations and the integrated applied knowledge she possessed enabled her to found HR Partners together with Giannis Petridis – a straightforward, positive, efficient individual and, above all, an excellent professional.